Find out where your Job Title, The Code, and TEER categorization are?

NOC codes transition to the 2021 edition of the National Occupational Classification (NOC) on November 16, 2022. This implies that

The existing NOC 2016 skill type and skill level framework (NOC 0, A, B, C, and D) will be replaced with a 6-category system that represents the skills, education, experience, and duties required to work in a profession. Precisely The TRAINING, EDUCATION, EXPERIENCE, and RESPONSIBILITIES (TEER).

4-digit professional codes will be replaced with 5-digit codes.

We will revise the qualifying requirements for all programs that use the NOC.

TEER categories that have recently changed:

TEER categories will be employed in programs that previously used the NOC skill type or levels.

The majority of employment will remain in the TEER category, which corresponds to the skill level in the data below.

Some occupations may be transferred to another TEER category.

Jobs at skill level B may advance to TEER 2 or TEER 3.

Find your employment on the NOC 2021 list to see which TEER category it belongs to. Skill type 0 falls under TEER 0. TEER 1 is skill level A. Skill level B is classified as TEER 2 and TEER 3. Skill level C will occur under TEER 4, while Skill level D will go under TEER 5.

TEER categories that have recently changed:

TEER categories will be employed in programs that previously used the NOC skill type or levels.

The majority of employment will remain in the TEER category, which corresponds to the skill level in the data below.

Some occupations may be transferred to another TEER category.

Jobs at skill level B may advance to TEER 2 or TEER 3.

Find your employment on the NOC 2021 list to see which TEER category it belongs to. Skill type 0 falls under TEER 0. TEER 1 is skill level A. Skill level B is classified as TEER 2 and TEER 3. Skill level C will occur under TEER 4, while Skill level D will go under TEER 5.

Skill Level A is classified as TEER 1.

TEER 1 consists of financial counselors and software developers, both of whom require a university degree.

Skill Level B is classified as TEER 2 and TEER 3.

Computer Network and Web Technicians and Medical Laboratory Technologists make up TEER 2. These careers often need college degrees, two or more years of apprenticeship training, or supervisory positions. Bakers, dental assistants, and dental laboratory assistants make up this TEER 2. This group of occupations often needs college graduation, less than two years of apprenticeship training, or more than six months of on-the-job training.

Skill Level C falls under the TEER 4 category, which includes home child care providers, retail salespersons, visual merchandisers, and so on. To be considered for these professions, the candidate must have completed the occupations that typically demand a high school education or several weeks of on-the-job training.

Skill Level D falls under the TEER 5 category, which includes Landscaping and Grounds Maintenance workers, Delivery service drivers, and door-to-door distributors. Occupations in this category often need short-term job experience and no formal schooling.

On the ESDC website, you may find a complete list of NOC 2021 employment classifications. To find your occupation, choose, “NOC 2021” from the drop-down option.

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