About study in Italy :
Students looking to study abroad in Europe will find Italy to be one of the most affordable destinations. The most famous universities in Italy, like the University of Padua, the University of Bologna, the Sapienza University of Rome, and many others, offer free education to international students. The best place to go for students wishing to receive free education is Italy. High academic standards are upheld at Italian universities, which also place a strong emphasis on research and development. More than 30,000 foreign students join these esteemed institutions each year to receive a free education in Italy.
International students from various academic fields, including the humanities, sciences, management, law, and more, are offered free education by Italian universities. By applying for any of the numerous scholarships being provided by some of the top institutions across all subject areas, international students can receive a completely free education in Italy. Additionally, there are possibilities for pursuing higher education.
If you want to pursue higher education in Italy, here are the five top-rated courses in Italy for you to choose from and kick-start your promising career:
- Fashion & Design Courses
- Business & Management
- Social Science & Humanities
- Hospitality & Tourism
- Petroleum EngineeringAnd many more…
A bachelor’s degree has fewer options; hence, students who are inspired by a master’s as their free education and whose age is less than 27 can apply for Italy’s free education.